
There are various options which can be passed to customize the HTML output and the behaviour of gocept.jsform.

Providing a save url for the server

One great feature of gocept.jsform is that it automatically pushes changes in your form fields to the server. By default, changes are sent to the same url that form data was loaded from. You can also specify a separate url to save to:

var form = new gocept.jsform.Form('form', {save_url: '/save.json'});

The server end point at save_url is expected to implement gocept.jsform’s communication protocol.

Customizing the form template

The default behaviour is to simply append every new field as a child to the form tag. If you need to customize the order of your fields or just need different overall HTML for your form, you can use a custom form template with containers for all or just some of the fields:

  ['<form method="POST" action="{{action}}" id="{{form_id}}" class="jsform form-horizontal">',
   '  <div class="statusarea"></div>',
   '  <table><tr><td><span id="field-firstname" /></td>',
   '  <td><span id="field-lastname" /></td></tr></table>',

var form = new gocept.jsform.Form('form');
form.load({firstname: 'Max', lastname: 'Mustermann'});

This will replace the span containers with ids firstname and lastname with the appropriate input fields.

CSRF token

In order to prevent Cross-site request forgery (CSRF), gocept.jsform can handle CSRF tokens and always submit them with every save request. The token needs to be generated on the server and injected into the DOM in a hidden input field with the id csrf_token.

<input type="hidden" id="csrf_token" value="secure-random" />
<div id="form"></div>

The token will be sent with every request under the key csrf_token.

Customizing field widgets

You can either customize widgets by their type (e.g. all fields rendered for strings) or customize single widgets by their name.

Customization by field type

You can overwrite the default templates by registering your own templates prior to form initialization:

gocept.jsform.register_template('form_boolean', '<bool_template_html />');
gocept.jsform.register_template('form_string', '<string_template_html />');
var form = new gocept.jsform.Form('form');

For every string value, your input template would be rendered instead of the default input text field. Same for lists and boolean values.

Customization by field name

Imagine you want checkboxes instead of a select field. You can use the form_radio_list template for that purpose:

var form = new gocept.jsform.Form('form');
form.load({kind: ''},
          {kind: {source: [
                      {token: 'dog', title: 'Dog'},
                      {token: 'cat', title: 'Cat'},
                      {token: 'mouse', title: 'Mouse'}],
                  label: 'What kind of animal do you love?',
                  template: 'form_radio_list'}});

You can pass the load method a JS object containing customizations for each field. One of these customization options is the name of the registered template, which results in rendering two checkboxes instead of the default select box.

Rendering readonly widgets

If you need to make a field widget immutable, you can pass it the disabled flag in the options:

var form = new gocept.jsform.Form('form');
form.load({kind: 'Immutable'},
          {kind: {label: 'Immutable text',
                  disabled: true}});

Its possible to render the whole form with immutable fields, too:

var form = new gocept.jsform.Form('form', {disabled: true});
form.load({name: 'John Doe', gender: 'male'},
          {name: {label: 'Name'},
          gender: {label: 'Gender',
                    'source': [{token: 'unknown', title: 'Not specified'},
                               {token: 'male', title: 'Male'},
                               {token: 'female', title: 'Female'}]}});